The societies first visit to Beedles’ Lake saw us arrive with 35 members and several guests. The weather didn’t seem too inviting, but the light drizzle soon faded away and we even saw some sunshine. The course was very flat, but presented a range of difficult and challenging holes. I had the fortune of playing with a couple of members that have previously played the course twice (Ed – Seems like cheating to me, perhaps they should get a handicap cut)  . They were able to let me know what was coming up. This proved particularly useful with the ditches that ran across some of the fairways…but were just over the ridge out of sight! Congratulations to Merv S who won with 37 points. Commiserations to Pete J, who lost on count back.

JD and I had our own little sideshow going on, as we were playing the final of the Singles Trophy. I have to own up to taking it quite seriously and visiting the driving range the night before. It’s the first time I’ve been there in months! It seemed to pay off though, and after a close match, I managed to edge ahead and win 3&1.

It was also good to see so many people back at the Green Man afterwards. We normally end up somewhere to review the day and ponder the missed chances. If you ever fancy coming along, just ask any of the committee members for details.