After 5 weeks abroad in India, the visit to Wychwood was quite a shock!
Standing on the first tee in a howling gale with soaking rain…I had a feeling that the day might be a bit of a challenge.
We soldiered on, trying to enjoy what is a lovely course in the right weather conditions. Unfortunately, the rain led to puddles and the wind reduced driving distances considerably.
Cold and soaked a number of us gave up at 9 holes and retired to the warmth of the bar. But, congratulations to those that stuck with it and completed the whole 18 holes.
Congratulations to Tyrone who won the day.
Apologies, but the results won’t be published quite yet on the Master Scorecard website. I want Lee to confirm that I haven’t made any mistakes and that the rash of 9 hole results haven’t skewed the handicap cuts to the top placed golfers.