Whilst most of the country were glued to the TV screens watching England vs Columbia or on the beach in the extreme temperatures, a brave band of NGS golfers took to the fairways of Barnham Broom in Norfolk. Well, the Hill course actually more closely resembled the Masai Mara, with the fairways just looking like burnt strips of dust. The greens were well watered though and making it a challenge to judge the transition from dust to green!
On the Saturday, Doss and Julie couldn’t resist the lure of the England match and headed out early. The rest of us stuck to the original timings and relied on updates by text and hoping to get into the clubhouse for the inevitable penalties.
I had the pleasure of playing with Andy R who stepped in as a last minute replacement. It’s always fantastic playing with such a good golfer. However, he’s let things slip lately with a 50% increase in his handicap from 2 to 3!
After the exhaustion of playing in the heat, we all gratefully retreated to the bar. However Captain Danny craved a cup of tea (see photos). (Ed – to be fair, he did have a pint first).
Sunny Sunday produced the usual bright selection of Ebay’s finest collection of golf clothes.(see photos). A brave choice considering how many insects were about!
On the Sunday, JC managed to set off the smoke alarm in his room with his Vape, narrowly avoiding a full hotel evacuation. Earning him the rather attractive golf braces that Danny had brought along for such an occasion.
The heat of the day was all too much for Dave C, who took a small nap during dinner.(see photos).
On to the golf, JC won the warm-up Saturday, Graham B won the Seniors, Dave B won the Teng Tools and Graham R won the Monday and the overall.
A fantastic weekend, well organised and an extremely good venue.