General Information If You’re Interested in Joining Us
Whilst originally based in Napton, the centre of the Society is now the neighbouring village of Long Itchington.
Having said that, we have members from all over Warwickshire who regularly turn out.
NGS is based in the Buck & Bell Pub in Long Itchington. All the courses we play at are within an hour’s travelling distance from there.
We normally play on a Tuesday once a month, with an optional post-game “analysis” down the pub afterwards.
The cost for the outings varies, but we try our best to keep it below £40. Although that is getting harder. The format is Coffee & Bacon Roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf, hot meal and awards afterwards.
Visitors are always welcome. Please get in contact using the links on the top of the home page.
Charitable Donations
Whilst the Golf Society is here for ermm…Golf(!)….it has also raised over £50,000 for good causes over the years:
Year | Captain | Charity | Donation | Total to Date |
1998 | Gary North | Shwachman Syndrome | £365.75 | £365.75 |
1999 | Roger Prickett | Warwick Hospital Renal Unit | £412.00 | £777.75 |
2000 | Mike Leech | Alzheimers’ Society | £604.17 | £1,381.92 |
2001 | Neil Elkerton | Adam Crinage Foundation | £1,315.54 | £2,697.46 |
2002 | Graham King | Myasthenia Gravis Assoviation | £1,750.00 | £4,447.46 |
2003 | Geoff Colquitt | Multiple Sclerosis Society | £1,665.00 | £6,112.46 |
2004 | Brendan McKenna | Cornelia de Lange Foundation | £1,700.00 | £7,812.46 |
2005 | Phil Croft | Bell House Trust | £1,100.00 | £8,912.46 |
2006 | Graham Ball | Meningitis Trust | £1,800.00 | £10,712.46 |
2007 | David Cobley | Parkinsons Disease Society | £2,500.00 | £13,212.46 |
2008 | Pat Quinn | Alzheimer’s Society | £2,300.00 | £15,512.46 |
2009 | Martin Terry | Myton Hospice | £2,122.52 | £17,634.98 |
2010 | Lee Pollard | BHF Cardiac Rehab at Warwick Hospital | £2,600.00 | £20,234.98 |
2011 | Rob Wigley | The Afghanistan Trust | £4,000.00 | £24,234.98 |
2012 | A.J. Newman | The Kathryn House Hospice | £1,500.00 | £25,734.98 |
2013 | T. Satinet | Blind Veterans UK (St Dunstans) | £1,250.00 | £26,984.98 |
2014 | Andrew Beck | The Children’s Air Ambulance | £2,750.00 | £29,734.98 |
2015 | David Board | Macmillan Cancer Support | £2,750.00 | £32,484.98 |
2016 | Roland Oliver | Warks and Northants Air Ambulance | £3,400.00 | £35,884.98 |
2017 | Roger Walker | Parkinson’s UK, Leamington & District Branch | £4,001.00 | £39,885.98 |
2018 | Danny Gleeson | Marie Curie | £7,100.00 | £46,985.98 |
2019 | Simon Cobley | Parkinson’s UK, Leamington & District Branch | £7,865.02 | £54,851.00 |
2020/21 | Tony Inskip | Motor Neurone Disease | £5,300.00 | £60,151.00 |
2022 | Graham Reeves | Myton Hospice | £6,654.00 | £66,805.00 |
2023 | Steve Crosthwaite | Freddie’s Wish | £8,182.00 | £74,987.00 |
2024 | Jon Thorne | Molly Ollys | £8,000.00 | £82,987.00 |
History of the Napton Golf Society up to end-2023.
Napton Golf Society was formed in March 1994 at the King’s Head pub in Napton where Barry Mackaness was mine host and founder member of the Society. The first outing was to Daventry G. C. on 27th April where nine inaugural members paid £9 each to go twice round the 9-hole course – plus £5 for food. Following this outing initial handicaps were confirmed with one member (John Lillie) playing off 9 and the other 15 varying between 20 and 28, in those days the maximum allowed for men.
The first officers were Captain John Lillie, vice-Captain J. Hartley, Chairman W. Spotten, Hon. Secretary Gary North, Assistant Secretary R. Powell, Handicap Secretary Rod Gillard (who rapidly became known as “Chopper”) and Hon. Treasurer Dave Harmon. Barry and Roger Prickett completed the first committee and one of its first decisions at the meeting of 30th March was to reduce the proposed annual subscription from £25 to £15.
The first AGM held at the King’s Head on November 29th was poorly attended and all officers were re-elected unopposed – no change there – including the Captain. The Treasurer reported a membership of 21 (four of whom lived in Napton), no change in the annual subscription, and a “not too healthy” balance at the Midland Bank of £42.60.
From April to September in that first year five outings were successfully arranged to Daventry, Cherwell Edge, Ullesthorpe, Stratford Oaks and, finally, the first Captain’s Day on September 16th at Hellidon Lakes.
At the committee meeting of 7th March 1995 Barry Mackaness was elected Social Secretary “to assist the Secretary and organise functions e.g. Christmas Party” the first of which was at the Tarsus restaurant, Southam on December 12th. Meanwhile the Treasurer complained that so far only 8 members had paid their annual subs – again no change!
At the next meeting on, 28th March, it was decided to try and ensure that at least one experienced golfer would be included in each group, and John Lillie agreed to draw up a list of the most common rules of golf and etiquette in order to “help clarify some rules” and to “speed up play”.
In 1995 nine outings were arranged, March to October and by the 2nd AGM at the King’s Head on 7th November membership had increased to 30, a very creditable 16 of whom attended, and the Treasurer was able to report a much healthier bank balance of £512.57. Barry Mackaness became Chairman, Chris McNally was the next Captain, and other positions remained unchanged.
The 1996 AGM attended by 11 members saw major changes to the committee. Gary North was elected Chairman, Secretary was Neil Elkerton (Captain in 2001) assisted by Phil Croft who subsequently became Competitions Secretary. Chris McNally took on the task of Handicap secretary alongside the 3rd Captain A.J. Collins whose vice-Captain was Rod Gillard. Dave Harmon announced funds of £974.75 and agreed to continue as Treasurer. Although the Society now boasted 31 members it was suggested that posters be put up to advertise for new blood. The records do not reveal whether this idea was acted on.
The first Presentation Evening was held on 8th November 1996 at the Green Man, Long Itchington, where an early member, Barry Cramp (ably supported by wife Sue), was mine host. Although eight people cancelled at a late stage the Green Man was very understanding and 23 members and partners dined well for £15 each (no drinks included!) with digestion aided by live music.
In 1998 Barry Cramp took over as Chairman and the first Captain’s Charity Day was held at The Windmill, Coventry, on 30th June with £365.75 being raised for the Schwachman Syndrome Foundation by the then Captain, Gary North. The major trophy for this event, the Charity Shield, contested by 22 pairs, was sponsored by Bryan Roberts then mine host at the Crown Inn, Stockton where food and many a pint were enjoyed after outings. Since this modest beginning similar events have been held annually at various venues until 2001, then from 2002 at Stoneleigh Deer Park every year since except 2005 when the then Captain, Phil Croft, held his Charity Day at his home course at Clifton, Rugby.
Apart from Captain and vice-Captain the officers from 1998 to early 2003 were almost unchanged. Phil Quinn took over from Chris McNally as Handicap Secretary in 2002, but in July 2003 Barry Cramp and Neil Elkerton decided to resign after twelve years of valiant service between them. The Secretary’s responsibilities were temporarily assumed by the then Captain, Geoff Colquitt, ably assisted by Colin East. David Cobley, Treasurer since July 2002 when Dave Harmon decided to call it a day after steering the Society finances through its first nine years, chaired meetings.
At the December 2003 AGM Colin East was elected Secretary, Graham King (2002 Captain) Competitions Secretary, and Phil Quinn Handicap Secretary. Brendan McKenna became Captain with Phil Croft as his vice, and David Cobley continued as Treasurer.
From 1997 until April 2022 almost all meetings were held at the Green Man, the declared HQ of the Napton Golf Society, although a few were convened at the Jolly Abbot pub in Rugby where Graham King was mine host. Perhaps the presence of several Long Itchington residents on successive committees may have something to do with favouring the Green Man!
To celebrate the first ten years of the N.G.S. a weekend outing was arranged in early June 2004 to the de Vere Belton Woods Hotel and G. C. in Lincolnshire, where a new prize, the 10-Year Trophy, was played for by 34 members. Brian Handley was the first winner and this weekend outing has since become a very popular annual event. 2004 was also notable for a peak in membership at 58, but many members attended outings infrequently if at all.
Twenty members attended the 2004 AGM at the Green Man on 7th December where once again the officers were returned unopposed. It was agreed that the annual subscription be raised from £15 to £20 (plus £5 joining fee), and that a retiring Captain could be if he so wished an ex-officio member of the committee. It was suggested by Pete Cornish whose firm Glass D Sign provides all the NGS prizes that the “longest drive” prize be dropped at outings because he, Pete, kept winning it! The committee agreed and substituted a “nearest the pin in 2” prize, also at Pete’s suggestion.
When Phil Quinn left the Society in 2007 Lee Pollard took over as Competitions Secretary and Graham King moved to Handicap Secretary. Graham Balls, Captain in 2006, and Martin Terry, 2009 Captain, have been active committee members since 2005 and 2008 respectively. For the N.G.S. 15th anniversary Martin chose Greetham Valley for the annual outing which is probably now our most popular venue.
After Graham King resigned his office in 2011 Lee Pollard, our 2010 Captain, took responsibility for both handicapping and competitions. The 2011 Captain, Rob Wigley, raised the bar that year by spearheading the collection of a record £4,000 for the Afghanistan Trust. Rob also organised our first website which he sponsored in its first year.
Under Captain Andy “Doss” Beck the Society’s 20th anniversary was celebrated in 2014 with a weekend at Belton Woods. After 10 years as Hon. Secretary Colin East resigned the same year handing over the reins to David Board our Webmaster and 2015 Captain.
Years 2015 to 2018 have been particularly successful for the Napton Golf Society. Active membership has grown, the program of events has expanded, outing attendance has increased as have charity donations. The stable core committee of Graham Balls, David Board, David Cobley, Lee Pollard and Martin Terry has been ably assisted by Rob Wigley, Andy Beck, Roly Oliver (Captain 2016), Roger Walker (2017) and Daniel Gleeson (2018).
Noteworthy 2018 achievements include:-
- Membership recovered to 45 from a low of 35 in 2015
- Average attendance at monthly outings was a record 29 members (64%) with a best of 36 for the Mike Reynolds Pairs in November
- Lee Pollard introduced the latest CONGU system and NGS handicaps now range from 6 to 34 (max 54!). Members at first sceptical are now getting used to the changes.
- The updated R & A rules have been simplified to encourage faster play.
- Captain Dan Gleeson’s charity, the Marie Curie Nurses benefitted by a record £7,100, a magnificent effort by all concerned – Dan in particular
- At the November AGM annual subs were raised to £25 (joining fee £10, Juniors unchanged at £10) the first increase since 2004.
In 2019 the Napton Golf Society celebrated its 25th year with Simon Cobley as its Captain and Tony Inskip as vice-Captain. The annual outing was again to Greetham Valley where 38 members and guests took over virtually all the available hotel accommodation and society shirts were the order of the day. Simon’s charity was Parkinsons UK and £7,815 was raised, another record!
2020 was “annus horribilis” not just for the N.G.S. but for the entire population of the world! The Covid-19 pandemic caused widespread lockdowns and restrictions on movement but the Society was lucky. Although 5 monthly outings including Charity Day plus the annual away weekend & November AGM all had to be cancelled 7 outings were completed, albeit without food where social distancing presented a problem.
2020 saw a lockdown Christmas and New Year. Tony Inskip, Captain in 2020, agreed to remain in the role with his charity, Motor Neurone Disease, for 2021. Although the Presentation Night and the first 3 monthly outings in 2021 had to be cancelled, the rest of the program was successfully completed. For the first time Stoneleigh Deer Park hosted the whole of Captain’s Charity Day including the evening meal which had to be moved from the Green Man where facilities were now unsuitable (see below). In often trying circumstances over the 2 years a very creditable £5,300 was raised for Tony’s MND charity.
From March 2020 to May 2021 the pandemic, plus closure between owners, prevented meetings at the Green Man (with the sole exception of October 2020) so “virtual” meetings were arranged as and when using phones and email.
Face to face meetings resumed at the Green Man from June until 4th November 2021 but new tenants had almost immediately changed the character of the Green Man and installed a pool table in the back room where once the N.G.S. had dined on Charity Days and Presentation Nights.
So, the Society’s HQ was moved to the Buck and Bell, Long Itchington where the owners, Peter and Cheryl Evans welcomed the committee to its first meeting there – the AGM of 25th November 2021 – and to its first Presentation Night in January 2022.
From 2021 to 2023 membership rose to over 50, and the N.G.S. committee consisted of Graham Balls, David Board, David Cobley, Lee Pollard and Martin Terry with much help from Simon Cobley and the three captains Tony Inskip, Graham Reeves (2022) and Steve Crosthwaite (2023). Steve sponsored a local charity, Freddie’s Wish, and during his captaincy £8,182 was raised – another record – bringing the sum of donations to over 20 charities since 1998 to just shy of £75,000!
At the 2023 AGM the subs were raised to £35 from £25, and joining fees to £15 from £10 in order to counter a perceived increase in golf course and other prices. Officers were again reappointed unopposed except for David Cobley who after nearly 22 years as Hon. Treasurer handed over the reins to Jo Crosthwaite.
With an eye to the future 2024, our 30th year, sees more help for the committee with Jon Thorne as Captain, and Julie Reeves as vice-Captain. It has taken 31 years but Julie will be our first female Captain in 2025!
The 30th anniversary will be celebrated, again at Greetham Valley, where once more members have booked the entire hotel, and rumour has it that a new trophy will be fought for – watch this space!
New members including ladies, juniors and beginners are always welcome. Indeed, many members past and present learnt to play golf with the N.G.S. The enthusiastic and hard-working committee organises outings every month except December, usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday, and new golf courses are introduced every year. Long may it last!
David Cobley, NGS Handbook Editor.