The wet weather threatened to interrupt our April outing. We had intended to be going to Kingsthorpe, but unfortunately with the amount of rain they were struggling to commit to allowing Powered Trolleys on the course. So, the committee was involved in a lot of last minute discussions over whether to push the outing back a week, find somewhere else, or try Kingsthorpe anyway. Lee contacted Rye Hill, who we had thought about bringing back into the fixtures this year, but kind of ran out of dates! They were able to accommodate us on the original date and had the advantage of Cotswold Stone to help dry much of the course.
Having said that, some of the holes were still very wet, but the majority were fine and the greens were in excellent condition considering. Because of the weather, we played off of the “blue” tees. In most cases, this essentially playing off the Ladies Tee (sorry Julie!). This pushed the average scoring pretty high, with Simon C winning with 41 points, closely followed by scores of 39, 39, 37 & 37!
Needless to say that Simon’s playing handicap has taken a sizeable cut.
Hopefully the weather will be better for May.