The following dates and destinations are part of the Napton Golf Society’s 2025 Fixtures List.

(Wed) 15th JanKILWORTH SPRINGS G.C.10:00am Millennium trophyFHSF
(Tue) 4th FebBRAMPTON HEATH G.C.10:00amHoogovens CupFHSF
(Wed) 12th MarDROITWICH G.C.10:30amGlass DSign TrophyBogey
(THU) 3rd AprilSILVERSTONE G.C.10:36amHandscombe Trophy (3 Stones)FHSF
(Tue) 6th MayGAUDET LUCE G.C.11:00amMackaness TrophyFHSF
(Tue) 27th MayOAK RIDGE G.C.11:04amCaptain’s Shield (3 Stones)FHSF
(Sat) 21st JunHILL VALLEY G.C.Roger Nicholls 30th Anniversary TrophyFHSF
(Sun) 22nd JunHILL VALLEY G.C.Teng Tools/
Seniors Trophy
(Mon) 23rd JunHILL VALLEY G.C.Chairman’s Shield/
10th Anniversary
(Tue) 15th JulFELDON VALLEY G.C.11:40amJuly TrophyFHSF
(Tue) 12th AugSTONELEIGH DEER PARK G.C.11:30amBryan Roberts Charity ShieldMember/Guest
3/4H 4Ball BB
(THU) 11th SepHEARSALL G.C.10:30amVice-Captain’s Trophy (3 Stones)FHSF
(Tue) 7th OctBROMSGROVE G.C.11:00amNGS Masters & RabbitsMedal
(Tue) 4th NovOVERSTONE G.C.10:20amMike Reynolds Pairs90% H 4Ball BB