The following dates and destinations are part of the Napton Golf Society’s 2023 Fixtures List.

(Wed) 11th JanKilworth10:20 Millennium TrophyFHSF
7th FebBrampton Heath10:00Hoogovens CupFHSF
7th MarDelapre10:30Handscombe Trophy (3 Stones)FHSF
4th AprUllesthorpe9:52NGS MastersMedal
2nd MayWhetstone10:30Captain’s ShieldFHSF
30th MayWest Mids10:48Mackaness Trophy
(3 Stones)
(Wed) 21st JuneLeamington11:00Texas ScrambleFHTS
Sat 24th JuneHawkstone Park12:00Away w/e Warm up
Sun 25th JuneHawkstone Park12:30Teng Tools/
Seniors Trophy
Mon 26th JuneHawkstone Park10:00Chairman’s Shield/
10th Anniversary
18th JulyMelton Mowbray11:06July TrophyFHSF
15th AugStoneleigh11:00Bryan Roberts Charity ShieldMember/Guest
3/4H 4Ball BB
5th SepHearsall11:00GlassDsign TrophyBogey
(Wed) 11th OctNuneaton11:00Vice Captains Trophy FHSF
7th NovOverstone10:40Mike Reynolds Pairs90% H 4Ball BB